Neo-psychosomatics. Correction figures

Author's seminar “Neo-psychosomatics”. Коррекция фигуры»

Нео-психосоматика. Коррекция фигуры

Duration of training: 12 academic hours.

The Cost:
Basic23 000 Rub.
At certified teachers of the author's course — 16 000 Rub.
Individual training — 46 000 Rub. (8 academ. hours)

Courses are required “Neo-psychosomatics. Diagnosis and removal of psychosomatic blocks in adults”

The workshop program:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is psychosomatics?
  3. History of the development of the science of psychosomatics
  4. Features of the author's approach to solving psychosomatic problems. Neo-psychosomatics technique.
  5. Indications for Neo-psychosomatics procedures for figure correction
  6. Contraindications to Neo-psychosomatics procedures
  7. Diagnosis of psychosomatic stress based on analysis of food preferences
  8. The concept of nutritional standards
  9. The influence of strong emotions, lived at an early age, to the human figure
  10. Technique and methodology for carrying out Neo-psychosomatic procedures for figure correction
  11. Combination of Neo-psychosomatics techniques with other body contouring procedures

The program recommended by the "Association of Massage Therapists"

The company provides TSPRM at the seminar professional massage tables, to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the home!

The company provides free TSPRM all consumables and equipment, for practice at the center.

To sign up for Author's seminar «Нео-психосоматика. Figure correction" you can in the cities:

CityDateDaysTimeCoursesThe Cost
in rub.
Vladimir19.01.2025Sunfrom 10:00 before 18:00Teacher - Gorbunova Ekaterinasign up


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