Facial Plastic

Seminar on "Facial Plastic"

Пластический массаж лица

Duration of training: 6 academic hours.

The Cost:
Basic7 000 Rub.
Individual training — 14 000 Rub. (4 academ. hours)

Outcome document – certificate

Plastic facial tissue depth has on the mechanical effect. It has a thrust at the same time as the muscles of the neck and face, the skin, excess subcutaneous fat layer, and nerve endings and blood vessels lie deep. So, пластический массаж лица улучшает крово- and lymph, increases skin turgor, strengthens the muscle tissue. This procedure is performed on talc, it can be used with any type of skin.

Also focus attention on the, plastic that has a rejuvenating facial massage effect almost from the first procedure, session to the next there is affirming a positive effect.

To attend the seminar requires knowledge cosmetic facial massage.

Statement: age skin, poor skin turgor and muscle tone, excessive amount of body fat, swelling of the face, possible use in young patients with oily skin, reduced skin turgor appeared to mimic wrinkles and deep folds.

Contraindications: severe disease in SSA, hypertension stage III, acute inflammation of the facial nerve, severe physical illness, violation of the integrity of the skin, neoplasms, pustular and infectious diseases skin, dermatitis, Rosacea, eczema, herpes, fungal diseases. In diseases of the thyroid gland - with caution.

The main techniques of plastic facial massage:
Stroke, petrissage, vibration, effleurage. Particular attention is paid to this method, the methods of kneading.

The program recommended by the "Association of Massage Therapists"

The company provides TSPRM at the seminar professional massage tables, to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the home!

The company provides free TSPRM all consumables and equipment, for practice at the center.


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