Facial massage

Basic seminar "Cosmetic facial massage"

Косметический массаж лица

Duration of training: 28 academic hours.

The Cost:
Basic13 000 Rub.
Individual training — 26 000 Rub. (20 academ. hours)

Outcome document – certificate

Косметический массаж лица проводится с целью помочь организму расслабиться, to recover, cope with daily stress. He also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the skin, muscle.

Facial massage, by stimulating the flow of arterial and lymphatic drainage and venous blood, speeds up the metabolism, normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, saturates the cells with oxygen, promotes lymphatic drainage, clears dead skin flakes, has on the fabric reflectring.

So, косметический массаж лица применяется с целью профилактики и получения стойкого омолаживающего эффекта (improves complexion, increases skin elasticity). This procedure will be useful for all skin types.

Statement: violation of the sebaceous glands (peeling, dryness, excess sebaceous secretion), scarring, age skin, excess fat deposits in the chin area, atony of the muscles of face and neck, pastoznost and swelling of the face muscles, sallow complexion. Massage for the prevention of premature skin aging is shown to almost all.

Contraindications: severe disease in SSA, hypertension stage III, acute inflammation of the facial nerve, severe physical illness, violation of the integrity of the skin, neoplasms, pustular and infectious diseases skin, dermatitis, Rosacea, eczema, herpes, fungal diseases. In diseases of the thyroid gland - with caution.

Basic techniques of classical facial massage:
Stroke, friction, petrissage, Vibration, effleurage.

The program recommended by the "Association of Massage Therapists"

The company provides TSPRM at the seminar professional massage tables, to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the home!

The company provides free TSPRM all consumables and equipment, for practice at the center.


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