Distance Learning

Most likely you have a little time and you can not attend workshops on massage. In a world of so many talented people, hope, Are you one of them.

Дистанционное обучениеSure, correspondence courses will never replace practical training in massage.
But, if you have the basic skills of massage, for example, do with childhood friend "rails, the rails .... sleepers, ties ", or stroking a cat, and at the same time she received positive emotions, then you will succeed!!!
Now to the serious. To undergo the training you need:

– Contact our office in Moscow by calling : 8-495-641-77-10, or 8-926-513-88-01 or e-mail: cprm@list.ru, or Skype: manusha19801

– Choose a convenient way to contact us and apply for all your correspondence courses in massage. Our manager will advise you on the program of courses and their cost.

Sample applications for e-mail:

Name __________________________________________________
Contact Details:
Phone _______________________________________________
and:mail _________________________________________________
Course Name _________________________________________

If you have gone through distance learning, but would like to receive confirmation and assessment of your knowledge, We can provide you that opportunity.

For this you need:
Come to our central office (at: Russia, city. Moscow, Street. Weaving, T.17), first contacting the project manager on the phone: 8-926-513-88-01, or e-mail: cprm@list.ru, or on Skype: manusha19801
Pass the theoretical and practical exam, during which, except for evaluation, Will help you improve your technique on the massage. As a result,, You will receive a certificate, Massage Therapists Association which confirms, that you own one, a massage technique.

We understand and appreciate your time and financial costs under this option (fare, residence, etc.) is important to us and your interest in massage techniques, you have an alternative way of passing the test (The tests are performed in-line on Skype).

In this case,, You can also get a certificate from the Association of Massage Therapists!
To do this you need to contact the project manager on the phone: 8-926-513-88-01 and agree on the time of testing.

For those people, who studied massage remotely, taught independently or in any other way (through Intrenet, the books, teaching materials, the form of grants and t. e), or have the skills and knowledge, but the documents have been lost, You also have the opportunity to undergo testing and confirmation of your knowledge, with possible subsequent issuance of a certificate (Association of Massage Therapists of confirmation "TSPRM" possession by various techniques of massage).


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