Old prices

You can lock in the cost of the course for a year. It's enough to make a down payment of 10% of the contract value, and within a year you can come and do a massage then, when it would be convenient to you, for the cost of which was at the time the contract. Regardless of the price increases. Also, the down payment shall be returned if you for some reason fails to attend classes!!!

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Training courses for massage

Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-clientSpecial Deals and Discounts
Семинар «Классический массаж» без дополнительных техник Novelty!11 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
The basic massage course - I level "classic massage"
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13 000 Rub36 500 Rub43 800 RubIf you sign on the right:
(I and Level II) - total cost will
46 800 Rub. (discount 5 200 Rub.)
(I, II and Level III) - total cost will
68 000 Rub. (discount 12 000 Rub.)
(I and Level III) - total cost will
34 200 Rub. (discount 3 800 Rub.)
Программа обучения «Классический массаж. Техники работы без масла»15 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Классический массаж II уровень – расширенный курс Professional Novelty!18 000 Rub.36 500 Rub.При заключении договора и полной оплате курса «Классический массаж II уровень – расширенный курс Professional» не менее, чем за три дня до начала обучения дополнительная скидка — 3 000 rubles.
Стоимость со скидкой составит 15000 rubles.
The course of professional massage - Level II39 000 Rub49 500 Rub59 500 RubIf you sign on the right:
(I and Level II) - total cost will
46 800 Rub. (discount 5 200 Rub.)
(I, II and Level III) - total cost will 68 000 Rub. (discount 12 000 Rub.)
(II and Level III) - total cost will
60 300 Rub. (discount 6 700 Rub.)
For Association of Massage Therapists - 24 500 Rub (данная цена для Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга)
The course of professional massage - Level III "Eastern direction"17 500 Rub32 500 Rub50 400 RubIf you sign on the right:
(I, II and Level III) - total cost will 68 000 Rub. (discount 12 000 Rub.)
(II and Level III) - total cost will
60 300 Rub. (discount 6 700 Rub.)
For Association of Massage Therapists - 14 400 Rub
Professional training program "Cosmetic. Спа-технолог» — модуль 189 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Professional training program "Cosmetic. Специалист в области прикладной эстетики» — модуль 272 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center

Education facial massage

Course titleCost basisNote
Package "A full course on working with the person"30 000 RubPackage contains "The basic techniques for working with a person ' and "Advanced techniques work with person".
When buying two packages training - discount 4000r., discounted cost - 30000rub.
Package "Basic techniques for working with a person '15 000 Rub• Cosmetic massage
• Massage Jacquet
• Plastic massage
• Hair Massage
Package "Advanced techniques work with person"19 000 Rub• Обновляющий люкс-массаж
• Точечный массаж
• Sculptural massage
• Lymphatic drainage massage
Seminar "Anatomy of faces" - 10 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Seminar on "Cosmetic Facial" - 24 ak. hours7 500 Rub
Seminar "Jacquet Facial Massage" - 8 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Seminar on "Facial Plastic" - 8 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Семинар «Массаж для волос» - 4 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Семинар «Обновляющий люкс-массаж» - 24 ak. hours8 000 Rub.
Seminar on "Acupressure face" - 8 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Seminar on "The Sculpture Facial" - 12 ak. hours5 000 Rub
Seminar on "Lymphatic drainage massage of the face" - 8 ak. hours6 000 Rub
1 уровень «Основы косметологии»19 000 Rub
2 уровень «Повышение квалификации по косметологии»17 000 Rub
Курс «Современная косметология»23 000 Rub
Seminar "Shugaring"4 500 Rub
Курс «Anti-age massage. Complex manual rejuvenation of the face "15 000 RubThe combination of the techniques of cosmetic, sculptural, neurosedative, myofascial, buccal, lymphatic drainage, spot and PIR

Children's massage courses

Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-clientSpecial Deals and Discounts
The course "Baby massage" - Level I
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10 000 Rub29 000 Rub35.000 RubIf you sign on the right:
I level of child massage and
Level II baby massage -
total cost will 19 800 Rub.
Level I of classical massage and
I level of child massage -
total cost will 20 700 Rub.
Level I of classical massage,
I level of child massage,
Level II baby massage
- total cost will 29 750 Rub,
I level of child massage, Level II baby massage and III уровень детского массажа -
total cost will 36 000 Rub.
The course "Baby massage" - Level II
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12 000 Rub29 000 Rub35 000 Rub
The course "Baby massage" - Level III18 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center

Авторские курсы "Neo-psychosomatics"

Для изучения каждого последующего курса необходимо прохождение предыдущего.
Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-clientNote
«Нео-психосоматика. Диагностика и снятие психосоматических блоков у взрослых»20 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
"Neo-child Psychosomatics period"15 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Диагностика и снятие психосоматических блоков у взрослых»
Neo-psychosomatics. Correction figures17 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Диагностика и снятие психосоматических блоков у взрослых и детей»
Neo-psychosomatics of the face Novelty!6 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Neo-psychosomatics. The influence of psychosomatics on the human sexual sphere and methods of its correction Novelty!10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Диагностика и снятие психосоматических блоков у взрослых и детей»
Neo-psychosomatics. Психосоматика кисти руки и стопы Novelty!6 300 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Психосоматика в половой сфере у женщин»
Neo-psychosomatics. Психосоматика стопы Novelty!4 500 Rub10 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Психосоматика кисти руки и стопы»
Neo-psychosomatics. Психосоматика кисти руки Novelty!4 500 Rub.10 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterДля изучения этого курса необходимо пройти «Нео-психосоматика. Психосоматика кисти руки и стопы»

Recent techniques and systematic approach to the manual correction of dysfunctions of the human body

Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-clientNote
"Recent techniques and systematic approach to the manual correction dysfunction of the shoulder girdle and the upper extremity"12 000 Rub.24 000 Rub.Specified in the Training Center

Certification Course

Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-client
Full course. Medical Massage34 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Medical Massage in Pediatrics34 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Therapeutic exercise (LFC)34 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Cosmetology54 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center

Professional Development

Course titleCost basisIndividual trainingVIP-client
Seminar "The development of the sensitivity of the massage therapist through the practice of biodynamic osteopathy"10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Wave rhythm massage (Holistic palsing)»10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Deep tissue foot massage" Novelty!10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Visceral massage" Novelty!10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
"Functional Anatomy for massage therapists" Seminar Novelty!10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Логопедический массаж» Novelty!7 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
"Logopedic massage workshop. 2 уровень» Novelty!5 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Exercise therapy in pediatrics"10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Taping in Pediatrics" (тейпы и другие расходные материалы включены в стоимость)9 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Основы кинезиотейпирования» Novelty!10 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Точечный массаж. II level» Novelty!10 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "CUT-massage 1 уровень»6 500 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "CUT-massage 2 уровень»6 500 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Postisometric relaxation (PIR)»9 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Начальная медицинская подготовка косметологов и массажистов»10 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Лимфодренажный массаж»7 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Антицеллюлитный массаж»7 000 Rub.Specified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Перкуссионный массаж» Novelty!3 500 Rub.7 000 Rub.11 000 Rub.
Семинар «Стоун-релакс массаж» Novelty!7 000 Rub14 000 Rub21 000 Rub
Семинар «Детский массаж для родителей» Novelty!5 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Cryo. Practice " Novelty!4 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Basics of Su Jok" Novelty!6 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Sports Massage"9 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Спортивный массаж, 2 уровень» Novelty!6 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Триггерные точки в работе массажиста»10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Лечебный массаж при сколиозе»7 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Семинар «Техники мышечно-фасциального релизинга в работе массажиста»10 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar "Relax massage techniques"12 000 Rub24 000 RubSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "body wrap with seaweed (Thalassotherapy)»4 500 Rub9 000 Rub15 000 Rub
Seminar on "metal cans, vacuum massage"3 000 Rub6 000 Rub.9 000 Rub
Seminar on "bandage body wrap"4 500 Rub9 000 Rub.15 000 Rub
Seminar "Turkish massage with their feet"8 000 Rub16 000 Rub.24 000 Rub
Seminar "Turkish classical massage"10 000 Rub20 000 Rub.30 000 Rub
Seminar on "Acupressure"9 000 Rub18 000 Rub.27 000 Rub
Семинар «Стоун-терапия (figure correction)»7 000 Rub14 000 Rub.21 000 Rub
Seminar on "Reflexology Foot Massage"7 000 Rub14 000 Rub21 000 Rub
Seminar on "Massage for Animals"10 500 Rub15 750 Rub30 000 Rub
Seminar on "Massage with bamboo sticks and bamboo brooms"7 500 Rub15 000 Rub22 500 Rub
Seminar on "Honey massage"
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5 000 Rub10 000 Rub15 000 Rub
Seminar on "Lymph-cellulite massage"
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7 000 Rub14 000 Rub21 000 Rub
Seminar "Turkish bath massage"
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10 000 Rub25 000 RubSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Massage for pregnant women"5 900 Rub11 800 Rub17 700 Rub
Seminar on "Rotation-mobilization"10 000 Rub20 000 Rub30 000 Rub
Workshop "Bioenergy"30 000 Rub60 000 Rub90 000 Rub
Seminar on "Self-massage"4 500 Rub9 000 Rub13 500 Rub
Семинар «Нео-биоэнергетика»17 000 Rub34 000 Rub51 000 Rub
Seminar on "Russian bath"10 000 Rub20 000 Rub30 000 Rub
Seminar on "Visceral chiropractic"4 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Grudnichkovoe floating"14 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Lymphatic drainage body"8 000 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Therapeutic physical culture"12 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "massage and exercise therapy for cerebral palsy"19 900 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center
Seminar on "Segmental massage"5 500 RubSpecified in the Training CenterSpecified in the Training Center

Union author school CPRM

Course titleCost basis

School of Svetlana Kovalko

"Microkinetics of tissues. Body Techniques »15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Visceral organs»15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Skull and soft tissues of the head and neck. Osteoesthetics»20 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Vector Techniques»15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Structural dysfunctions»15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Somatic dysfunctions»15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Spatial Techniques»15 000 Rub.
"Microkinetics of tissues. Microtaping»5 000 Rub.
"Psychological autocorrection. Safety Fundamentals for Specialists15 000 Rub.
«Practical psychology. Self-correction techniques»15 000 Rub.

School-studio SIAM

Basic course «Alphabet of Thai massage» (АТМ-1)11 900 Rub.
«Азбука тайского массажа, 2 level. Боковая позиция»11 900 Rub.
«Traditional Thai foot massage» (foot massage)11 900 Rub.
«Ancient Thai massage in Wat Po tradition» (southern style)16 000 Rub.
«Thai massage on the table»11 900 Rub.
«Thai Oil Stretch Massage» (on the floor)11 900 Rub.

School of massage technologies «EstMaster»

«Myostructural body massage»16 000 Rub.
«Myostructural facial massage»16 000 Rub.
«Biovascular body massage»16 000 Rub.
«Biovascular facial massage»16 000 Rub.
«Neurosedative body massage»16 000 Rub.
«Neurosedative facial massage»16 000 Rub.
«Revitalizing facial massage»16 000 Rub.

Авторская школа «Себе и людям»

'Best (Bioenergy system therapy according to E.I.. Zuev.)»14 500 Rub.
Projective test «Picture of the World»12 000 Rub.

School of Victor and Elena Kovyrzin "Ladaniye"

"Incense" 1 level19 000 Rub.
"Incense" 2 level19 000 Rub.

Massage video


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