Aesthetic cosmetology

Course program “Aesthetic cosmetology”

Course curriculum “Aesthetic cosmetology” CPRM is an opportunity to learn the basics of cosmetology, human anatomy, physiotherapy in cosmetology (hardware techniques), facial massage techniques, understanding and selection of cosmetic means to meet individual customer needs. The main priority of our courses are: author's methods of massage techniques, sales technologies, “SPA basics” in cosmetology: holistic approach to the client, aromatherapy and color therapy.

We have created all conditions for training in cosmetology: modern equipment (the latest equipment from PHOTONIX, audio and video support) for practical training, during the training, educational and methodological materials are provided on electronic and paper media, which allows you to study educational material faster and in a timely manner.

The Cosmetology Training Center of the Center for Cosmetology provides students with all the necessary professional cosmetics from leading brands. (France, Italy, Russia), proven among professionals. To work with clients, you will learn how to create effective programs for the correction of skin problems..

The CPRM program in cosmetology includes two levels.

  • The first level will allow you to decide on the profession of a cosmetologist, will provide the necessary knowledge base and practical experience for a successful start of a novice specialist.
  • Second stage opens up new career prospects - the opportunity to work in more prestigious salons, provide clients with quality service “SPA industries”.

A high-level cosmetologist must know advanced technologies, be able to handle the latest hardware techniques, combine various massage techniques and be able to develop an individual cosmetology program for each client.

Основы косметологии

1 level “Fundamentals of cosmetology”

Duration of course 60 ac / h (1,5 months)
Cost basis – 25 000 Rub.
Discount 25% before 15.08.2014 – promotional value 18 000 Rub.

Practical skills are practiced on model clients.

Duration of one course: 1,5 – 2 months

Form of study: morning, daytime, evening, Party Weekend. Individual training possible.

You can also take advanced training during 6 months , choosing a separate master class.

DateName of workshopworkshop DescriptionWe are standing, Rub.
11.00-18.00Основы косметической химии.Cosmetic analysis. Main Ingredients2500 Rub.
11.00-15.00The main mechanisms of action on the skin.The main types of make-up remover, peels and masks, creams. Selection of products based on the type and condition of the skin.1500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Anti-aging skin care. Program Selection CriteriaТеория преждевременного старения кожи. Хронологическое старение. Фотостарение. Выбор методик: cosmetics, аппаратная косметология, методики массажа.1500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Фотостарение кожи. Пигментация кожи.Фотостарение - причина преждевременного старения кожи. Фотостарение кожи - процесс клинических, гистологических и биохимических изменений, имеющих – в отличие от возрастного увядания кожи – особую природу. Выбор методик для устранения фотостарения . Процедуры отбеливания кожи.1500 Rub.
15.00-18.00Methods of hygienic cleaning of the face.All types: Mechanical face cleaning. УЗ-чистка. Атравматичная чистка (холодное гидрирование). Энзимный пилинг. Комбинированные чистки.2500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Prevention of couperosis.Причины появления купероза. Правила работы с куперозом. Программы ухода за кожей лица с куперозом. Психологические аспекты работы с клиентом1500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Химический пилинг.Theory of chemical peels. Features of the use of glycol peels in the correction of age-related changes. Chemical peels for acne treatment.2500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Oily skin care. Угревая болезньТеория акне. A series of products for the care of oily and problem skin.1500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Aroma for home.Essential oils: first aid kit for every situation (diseases, stress, insomnia, etc.). Indoor and home use950 Rub.
11.00-14.00АромакосметологияEssential oils. Methods of Use. Использование ароматерапии в косметологии и SPA-уходах.
+ Master Class: DIY scrub making.
1500 Rub.
11.00-16.00Классический массаж лица.Consolidation of already acquired skills. Практическая отработка.3000 Rub.
11.00-14.00Лифтинг-массаж по лицу винными мешочками.Comprehensive care for aging skin. Spa procedure lifting massage with wine bags on the face.2000 Rub.
11.00-18.00Anti-cellulite massage.Теория целлюлита. Anti-cellulite massage technique. Fundamentals of Nutrition. Психологические аспекты лишнего веса.4500 Rub.
11.00-18.00Aromatherapy in the beauty industry.Oil wrap theory. Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy for the correction of aesthetic problems of the body.4500 Rub.
11.00-18.00Anti-stress massage "Chocolate Energy"The theory of stress. Dark chocolate massage technique. Chocolate SPA care is a procedure that is unique in its effectiveness and has a multi-level effect in programs for correcting the physical and emotional state of the client..4500 Rub.
11.00-18.00Effective wraps.Action of active ingredients. All types of wraps (wine, citrus, chocolate, algal, mineral, alginate, oil). Execution Technology.PROMOTION! 3500 Rub.
11.00-15.00Effective body shaping.Теория целлюлита. Психологические аспекты лишнего веса. Эфирные масла для коррекции фигуры (cellulitis, стрии, варикоз). Обертывания по телу в сочетании с альгинатами и эфирными маслами. Роль питания в коррекции фигуры.2000 Rub.
11.00-18.00ДепиляцияТехники выполнения по зонам. Воски теплый и горячий.3000 Rub.
11.00-18.00ДепиляцияSugaring. Zone techniques..3000 Rub.
11.00-18.00Advanced training "Hardware cosmetology".Hardware methods for face and body care programs. The choice of technique according to the needs of the beautician.PROMOTION! 3500 Rub.
11.00-14.00Роль сбалансированного питания для здоровья и красотыФизиологические основы питания и регуляции витаминно-минерального баланса. Коррекция проблем кожи (акне, rosacea, воспалительные процессы, cellulitis) с помощью сбалансированного питания и витаминного комплексаPROMOTION! 1500 Rub.
11.00-16.00Sales technologies in beauty salons.Sales training for services and products in the salon business. Building a long-term relationship with the client. Comfort in the workplace. Anti-crisis programs.PROMOTION! 3000 Rub.
11.00-18.00Основы SPA-сервисаХолистический подход к клиенту. Основы типологии клиентов и разработка индивидуальных SPA-пакетов. Основы цветотерапии и ароматерапии.4000 Rub.
11.00-14.00Work with clients of a beauty salon. Technological map of the procedure.How to sell a procedure to a client?
Drawing up technological maps and calculating the cost of the procedure. Selection and creation of individual care programs
PROMOTION! 1500 Rub.
11.00-16.00Introduction to the Enneagram.Introduction to the typology of the Enneagram. Description of psychotypes.1900 Rub.
11.00-13.00Open lesson "Team building. Motivation of employees and customers»Effective negotiation and communication skills with clients.Free
11.00-18.00Командопостроение и мотивационный договор.Effective negotiation and communication skills with clients. Определив Эннеатип Клиента, Вы будете просто знать, чем Вы можете заинтересовать его и как Вы вместе можете быть друг другу полезны.3500 Rub.
11.00-18.00Individual approach in sales and services.Client Needs by Enneatype. Relationship building. Effective Attention.3500 Rub.


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