Massage Courses in Saratov

Sign up for courses

Курсы массажа в СаратовеMassages are beneficial not only to our body, restoring health, but also on the state of mind, giving vital energy tide, calmness and serenity.

Classic Massage in Saratov - a unique procedure prevention and treatment of various ailments. So, You can get rid of chronic fatigue and headache, forget about nervousness, sluggishness of the body, overcome stiffness, goodbye to painful sensations in the legs, hands, neck and back.

Sign up for a massage courses in Saratov you can call: 8 (917) 314-57-54 (Ирина) 8(916)671-71-22 (Catherine)

Widely used classical massage in Saratov - is the cornerstone for all other types of massages, way the local impact to an individual part of the body and the foundation for any kind of manual treatment.

Perhaps, for a person ignorant massage seems incredibly sophisticated science, which is given to know the only elected. However, we will prove to you, that massage courses in Saratov - Science, available to everyone.

"Center for Training and Development Massage therapists' massage provides training on its own author's methods, which were developed by outstanding experts in the field of massage.

Quality teaching massage in Saratov at the right price!

Massage courses in Saratov include in-depth study of the theoretical aspects (Basic physiology and anatomy, basic pathology and biomechanics, etc.), and the application of acquired knowledge in practical classes "setting hands", that contribute to the development of skills and individual style of the future masseur.

TSPRM with each new release of qualified professionals promotes recovery of more and more of our population. Our Center is always happy to see new students and visitors to its premises.

Massage courses in Saratov view:

You can not only pamper your loved ones first-class massage treatments at home: massage courses in Saratov - this is the first step and solid base to start a successful career as a professional masseur!

Massage Courses in Saratov on TSPRM - start successful careers in demand massage!

Массажисты в Саратове


Massage courses

I уровень - Классический массаж

“Classic massage”

This course is designed for students with different backgrounds, provides the basic foundation of classical massage, as well as teaches production of masseurs hands.
The cost of courses classical massage:
Base cost - 13 000 Rub.

II уровень A - Профессиональный массаж

“Professional massage II level "A"”

Studying lymphatic drainage massage, cellulite massage, Honey massage, stone therapy, etc.

II уровень B - Профессиональный массаж

“Professional massage II level «B»”

Learning acupressure, reflexology foot massage, bandage body wrap, peelings, aromatherapy, etc.

I уровень - Детский массаж

Baby massage

Course on the basics and subtleties of child massage, Baby massage and baby massage for children with abnormalities.

I course | II course

Сертификат г.Саратов

Семинары по массажу в Саратове


“Cupping vacuum massage”
В мире баночный массаж — эффективнейшее средство в борьбе с целлюлитом.


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