Classical massage course

Традиционный тайский массаж

Duration: 30 acad hours

The Cost: 2 480 UAH.

A system of rebates check with the Secretary.

The program recommended by the Association of Massage Therapists TSPRM

  1. Introduction.
  2. Indications for massage.
  3. Contraindications to massage.
  4. Basic hygiene procedures for massage: the patient, massage therapist, equipment and facilities.
  5. The main purpose of massage procedures.
  6. The patient's position during the massage.
  7. Means for massage.
  8. Classical massage techniques:
    • stroke
    • friction
    • petrissage
    • percussion techniques
    • vibration
  9. Methods and techniques of classical massage body parts:
    • Massage the scalp, the neck area, Hand (in supine and sitting);
    • Classic massage (thoracic and lumbar);
    • Foot Massage;
    • Massage the abdomen;
    • chest compressions.
  10. Full body massage.
  11. Classical massage technique with increased body hair /Новинка/
  12. Features and tips during the massage at home.


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