Russian Bath

Seminar “Russian Bath”

Русская баня

History of Bath has its roots in antiquity. Special love and popularity enjoyed by the ancient Romans, Bath. Even shaking hands when meeting, Romans instead of greeting asking: “As sweat?” Steam bath in Russia (soap, language, mov, vlaznya) was known to the Slavs already in 5-6 Ages. Bath shared by all: and Princes, and noblemen, and the common people.

The course “Russian Bath – why, Why and How?” under the guidance of an experienced teacher you will learn about the mechanisms of effects on human health baths, hear expert advice on skin rejuvenation, Aromatherapy. At the end of the course you will understand the different types of massage bath and features of using brooms. In addition, You will be able to answer one key question avid bathers: what drink and how much useful to use in the bath? Visit us on the course “Russian Bath – why, Why and How?” – you will not regret!

How to apply for training courses on “Russian Bath”
In order, to become trainees bath, You will need to come to our training department of the Centre, a contract for training. Under the contract, an applicant makes an advance payment (10% of the cost of the courses). The second part of the payment is made on 2 occupation.

Certificate is issued a standard:

Сертификат установленного образца Русская баня

The curriculum of courses for all Russian bath:

  1. Introduction
  2. Indications for visiting the Russian pair
  3. Противопоказания для посещения русской парной
  4. History of the Russian bath
  5. The main features and differences of the Russian bath and Finnish sauna
  6. Hygienic bases of visiting Russian pair
  7. Safety and basic precautions visit and procedures in a Russian banya
  8. Types of massage and bath
  9. Aromatherapy in a Russian banya
  10. Broom in the bath, the main differences
    • Oak twigs in a Russian banya
    • Birch broom in a Russian banya
    • Linden broom in a Russian banya
    • Juniper twigs in a Russian banya
    • Eucalyptus broom in a Russian banya
    • Broom of nettles in a Russian banya
  11. Broom for a bath, storage and production
  12. Ability zaparivat (prepare) bath broom
  13. Preparing for the evaporation in the Russian bath
  14. Technique and methods of bathing in a Russian banya
  15. Usefulness of the procedure of peeling in Russian pair
  16. Contrasting the soul and cryotherapy in combination with a Russian bath (precautions and major hazard)
  17. Drinks in the bath – pro and con.

The courses Russian bath, tradition of bath things:
8 academic hours (2 lessons)

Timetable for courses bath attendants:
2 days a week 4 academic hours per day.

The classroom training courses for the traditions of bath things:

  • morning group 10-00 before 13-00;
  • day group 14-00 before 17-00;
  • evening group 18-00 before 21-00;
  • Group Weekend: Saturday and Sunday.

Place of training courses on massage: Metro "Semenovskaya" cm. location map

The program recommended by the Association of Massage Therapists TSPRM

The cost of the courses in the case of bath Russian bath:
Basic – 10 000 Rub. / 2 945 UAH.
Individual training – 20 000 Rub.
VIP-client (individual classes) — 30 000 Rub.


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