
Courses “Bioenergetics”


  1. Karma.
    • The concept of karma ( mature karma, latent karma, emerging karma).
    • Three kinds of karma: physical, Verbal, mental.
    • Types of people depending on the predominance of one type of karma.
  2. Energy.
    • The structure of the human energy system. Biofield.
    • The structure of the astral body. The energy of the human body.
    • Chakras and Nadis. Location, sphere of influence, color, taste ,odor, connection with outer space.
    • The seven major chakras:
      • Muladhara
      • svadhistana
      • Manipura
      • Anahata
      • vyshudtha
      • аджна
      • sahasrana.
    • Minor chakras. The location of minor chakras (ankle chakras, knee chakras, hip chakras, wrist chakra, elbow chakras,shoulder chakras). Impact on social and emotional sphere of human activity.
    • The work of minor chakras, exercises to be included.
  3. Structure of Karma.
    • Types of karmic energy:
      • physical
      • sexual
      • psychoemotional
      • energy of money
      • Information
      • energy authority
      • power of faith.
    • Transition from one energy to another.
  4. The relationship between people. Types of interaction: "Donation" and "vampirism". Rules of communication between people.
  5. Biofield palms. A set of exercises, develops arm strength.
  6. Su Jok system. The structure of the palm. Palm, as a whole organism. Magic point. Technique, a set of exercises. Disease Prevention.
  7. Bioenergy hands. The system of meridians and points.
  8. The energy around us. The positive energy in home and office. Effect of work on the health. Environment and Energy. Prior to the system - Institute. A set of exercises.
  9. Method Yoshiro Tsutsumi. A set of exercises. The energy around us. The positive energy in home and office

Duration of the seminar:
6 lessons 4 ak. hours (only 24 ak. hours).

The company provides TSPRM at the seminar professional massage tables, to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the home!

The company provides free TSPRM all consumables and equipment,for practice at the center.

Place of training courses on massage: Metro "Semenovskaya" cm. location map

The program recommended by the Association of Massage Therapists TSPRM

The Cost:
Basic – 30 000 Rub.
Individual training – 60 000 Rub.
VIP-client (individual classes) — 90 000 Rub.


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