Эндорфины улучшают наше настроение, устраняют боль, помогают позитивно воспринимать окружающий мир. Эндофины в десятки раз сильнее, чем антидепрессанты!В современном мире, где нас повсюду окружает стресс, депрессия и усталость, наличие эндорфинов просто необходимо.Также уровень эндорфинов очень сильно зависит от солнечного...
For the normal functioning of the body needs a constant composition of the internal environment - the blood and interstitial fluid. Он поддерживается на определенном уровне благодаря многочисленным физиологическим и биологическим реакциям, совершающимся в организме.Человеческий организм весьма чувствителен к нарушению водного...
Health - is the most expensive, that a man. And unhealthy people will never be happy and joyful. But the modern pace of life is simply not enough to promote healthy lifestyle. Stress, pernicious habits, ecology, poor diet that's what characteristics can be described today's life. But health ...
Teeth do not radu?t svoej and beauty of ZDOROVO? The photographs have to dole smile, and so want to show Hollywood smile? Do not be upset, These problems do not affect you now, because there is a miracle clinic «Lanri Clinic», which solves the troubles of this nature in a matter of hours.A serious approach - the key ...
Health, no matter what, is the most important aspect of our lives. No other values ??in life can not be compared with him. Cases even slight indisposition should be a first and a serious signal that, that the body needs Prevention, treatment. To many signs of possible diseases must be treated very ...
The main problem of modern man - physical inactivity. We spent hours sitting in the office, in an awkward position, on a hard chair. Finishing the job we are so tired, not being able to spend at least a couple of kilometers on foot. We sit in the car or subway and go home, cook dinner, communicate with family and again the minimum movements. Our ...
For most of the inhabitants of our country, resuscitation is an unknown concept.. But those, who faced intensive care and resuscitation, can compare the services of public and private medicine. And in the overwhelming number of cases, private medicine acts in a more favorable light.Resuscitation team. Efficiency ...
In most cases, flux on the gums is the result of running caries or pulpitis. The symptoms of this disease are severe toothache, sealing, which is growing rapidly and sore on palpation, may swell cheek, mouth or nose - depending on the location of the source of inflammation.Flux, scientifically abscess,...
For us,, modern people, уже не удивительным кажутся различные технические новшества и технологии, когда-то считающиеся фантастическими. Сейчас на нас работают многочисленные механизмы, роботы, девайсы и гаджеты, которые помогают нам во всех сферах жизни. Нам призваны помогать новейшие технологии, в производстве широко используется...