Когда я была молодой мамой, на второй день после выписки из роддома к нам на дом пришла медсестра для послеродового патронажа. Медсестра спросила как ребёнок кушает, как спит, купаем ли мы его и в чём. А уходя, увидела на моём столике масло для младенцев «Джонсонс Бэби» и сказала: – «От этого масла токсикодермии. Replace with sterile....
Thai way (Thai-way) - The most faithful of the many famous.They were in St. - Petersburg only five - Thai massage parlors. However, their uniform arrangement, distribution across the entire urban area of ??St. Petersburg already reflecting the desire of the organizers and the collective network of Thai massage Thai-way (Thai ...
Want to buy a feature-rich and reliable chair from a reliable manufacturer? Massage chairs from the company «Fujiiryoki» - is a combination of years of experience and the recognition and high technology with the latest innovations. Product line of the company is full of a variety of design and functionality. But if you want to ...
With the development of scientific and industrial progress, the market for modern cosmetology services is characterized by increased demand among the population. Most cosmetic surgeries, carried out in specialized salons, are no longer painful for patients, are carried out in a short time and do not require rehabilitation...
In dental clinics, отделениях пульмонологии, Compressor equipment is widely used in laboratories and other healthcare institutions. The compressor is necessary to supply purified compressed air to medical and pharmaceutical equipment.For air compression devices, working in medical....
To organize a massage parlor at home, there is no way to do without knowledge, skills and special devices. However, for those, who has knowledge, and skills - this may be the best option for earning money. After all, you don’t have to pay for rent and commute to work every day., since she herself will come to a specialist...
Clothes for medical staff.Variety range of garments. A significant part of the life and times of the medical staff spends at work, therefore, that medical clothing fashion, he puts on the job, should look beautiful to be useful. I would like to give some attention to fashion clothing for medical ...
The art of massage has appeared BC. Who owns the laurels of the inventor of the method of therapeutic and soothing effects on tissues and organs not known for certain. Massage evolved in parallel in different continents and countries. Today the art of massage has a lot of people. All over the world ...
Our life does not stand still. Next to her, striding progress. Every day at work and at home we feel for yourself the beauty of modern technical devices, that seem to make it easier to our existence. On the other hand, they strongly influence our performance and health. These are computers, Mobile Phones, electrical appliances ....