The axis of postural balance

Seminar 4 stage - Axis postural balance

The axis of postural balance. :

  1. The concept of the axis of postural balance. Model, defining the boundaries of communication.
  2. The axis of postural balance (ODA) and the axis of physiological balance (ОФР): structure determines function, function controls the structure .
  3. The concept of non-physiological dysfunction. The concept of the fulcrum.
  4. The relationship between non-physiological dysfunction, biomechanics, postural balance and homeostasis (physiological equilibrium).
  5. Diagnosis of the postural system.
  6. Technique global release and testing.
  7. Exo- endodatchiki and postural system. Log in. Indications for correction.
  8. Correction of posture through sensors visceral areas.
  9. Centering with sensors posture.
  10. Correction of the upper triangle of power.
  11. Correction of the lower triangle of power.
  12. Identifying and addressing the causes of, preventing the correction of postural balance: work on the skull, TMO, spine, visceral area, limbs, for limb girdle.
  13. Harmonization in specific postural balance.


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